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Joint statement on the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Portugal and Latvia

19 February 2021


In February 2021, Latvia and Portugal celebrate the 100th anniversary of their diplomatic relations. This special occasion takes place during especially challenging times for the international community. In this context, Portugal and Latvia value with particular appreciation the strong and long lasting bonds of friendship and cooperation between our two countries.


Portugal recognised Latvia de jure on 19 February 1921, and has ever since acknowledged Latvia’s sovereignty, which was then reconfirmed by Portugal’s recognition of Latvia on 27 August 1991 and the re-establishment of diplomatic relations on 2 October 1991.


Over the last century, both countries have faced formidable political, social and economic challenges that Latvia and Portugal managed to overcome through the unwavering determination of its people. They have persevered and become members of the common family represented by the EU and the transatlantic community, NATO. It is therefore also an encouraging coincidence that the celebration of the centenary of the establishment of diplomatic relations takes place during the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union.


Today, Portugal and Latvia share a broad range of priorities from fighting climate change to the digital transformation of their societies while also promoting a European Social model based on solidarity and convergence. There are specific areas of common interest which offer a solid basis for collaboration such as security and defence, and other fields of cooperation that could be further explored, including information and communication technologies, the energy transition, developing resilient and cross-sectoral industrial strategies, accelerating the move to a circular economy and strengthening the sustainable management of natural resources. Special attention could also be given to cultural exchanges, particularly in the area of heritage tourism, and developing the creative industries of both countries through new partnerships.


We wish to reaffirm our commitment to further strengthen our bilateral relations at the political, economic and cultural levels, as well as to reinforcing our cooperation in the context of the European Union, NATO, the United Nations and other multilateral fora where both our countries already have a strong track record of close and fruitful cooperation.