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How to Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Restoration of Latvia’s Independence on the 4th of May

The year 2020 in the Latvian Centenary Program marks significant turning points in Latvia’s quest for freedom. It’s the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration on the Restoration of the Independence of the Republic of Latvia on the 4th of May, 1990. Due to the current Covid-19 state of emergency, this year the holiday will be different. We will not gather at public events and celebrate with a wide range of friends and relatives, but we do have an opportunity to create a special holiday greeting in our windows to delight our neighbours and to use this time to read up about the events of the Re-awakening.


Find out, read and study materials about the restoration of Latvia’s independence and the time of the Re-awakening.

A wide range of materials is available online, allowing you to explore the events and personalities of 1990.


Honour the Latvian flag.

Raise the Latvian flag if you have a flagpole near your home or decorate the table in the colours of the flag.


Bring out a white tablecloth and prepare a festive lunch.

This year, limit the tradition of the white tablecloth celebrations to your own home.


Call or meet your loved ones virtually.

When it’s not possible to be present in person, take some time for a telephone or video call, at least with those who would otherwise be invited.


Say thank you to those who are important to you.

Festive holidays are the right time to pay attention to those who are doing obvious but very necessary work. In particular it’s apparent in this time of emergency, when small deeds become big and important.


Delight neighbours and passers-by, by creating a holiday greeting in your window.

Decorate the windowsill with red and white flowers or prepare a poster about the 4th of May and Latvia. Wave to the neighbours in the windows across the street or next door. Capture these moments in photos.


Re-visit family photo albums and add pictures of the Re-awakening and the last thirty years to the Album of the Century.

The National History Museum of Latvia continues to collect evidence of Latvian history in the Album of the Century and invites everyone to supplement it with photographs and stories. Today, too, is evolving into history.


Talk to your parents and grandparents about the events of the 4th of May, 1990, and tell your children about your emotions at the time.

Discuss what freedom meant then and now with your family.


Watch Latvian films and listen to music from the Re-awakening era.

This year, the Latvian Film Marathon, which traditionally takes place at the Splendid Palace cinema, will take place online at and will be available not only to the people of Riga and its guests, but also to cinema-goers in Latvia and around the world.


Delight someone with a special Re-awakening era postcard.

The Office Latvia 100 of the Ministry of Culture in co-operation with the National Archives of Latvia and the Latvian Postal Service has produced special postcards with the best photographs of the 4th of May 1990 on the website  A joy shared, doubles the joy for the giver.